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For those who already know DataTables, you will find below all the DataTables features that are embedded in the taglib and the corresponding tag attribute.

But the taglib adds also new features that you can see in the extras section !

DataTables Reference

DataTables Config type Tag Tag attribute Version
DataTables Taglib
bAutoWidth Features table autoWidth 1.0.3
bDeferRender Features table deferRender 1.0.3
bFilter Features table filter 1.0.0
bInfo Features table info 1.0.0
bJQueryUI Features table jqueryUI 1.0.3
bLengthChange Features table lengthPaginate 1.0.0
bPaginate Features table paginate 1.0.0
bProcessing Features table processing 1.0.3
bScrollInfinite Features pending... pending... pending...
bServerSide Features pending... pending... pending...
bSort Features table sort 1.0.3
bSortClasses Features table sortClasses 1.0.3
bStateSave Features table stateSave 1.0.3
sScrollX Features pending... pending... pending...
sScrollY Features pending... pending... pending...
aaData Option pending... pending... pending...
aaSorting Option pending... pending... pending...
aaSortingFixed Option pending... pending... pending...
aLengthMenu Option pending... pending... pending...
aoSearchCols Option pending... pending... pending...
asStripeClasses Option pending... pending... pending...
bDestroy Options pending... pending... pending...
bRetrieve Options pending... pending... pending...
bScrollAutoCss Options pending... pending... pending...
bScrollCollapse Options pending... pending... pending...
bSortCellsTop Options pending... pending... pending...
iCookieDuration Options pending... pending... pending...
iDeferLoading Options pending... pending... pending...
iDisplayLength Options pending... pending... pending...
iDisplayStart Options pending... pending... pending...
iScrollLoadGap Options pending... pending... pending...
iTabIndex Options pending... pending... pending...
oSearch Options pending... pending... pending...
sAjaxDataProp Options pending... pending... pending...
sAjaxSource Options pending... pending... pending...
sCookiePrefix Options table cookiePrefix 1.0.3
sDom Options table dom 1.0.3
sPaginationType Options table paginationType 1.0.3
sScrollXInner Options pending... pending... pending...
sServerMethod Options pending... stateSavepending... pending...

DataTables Plug-ins

Name Tag Attribute Version Note
DataTables Taglib
Sorting column sortable 1.0.0 You can choose which column will be sortable.
Type detection pending... pending... pending... pending...
Pagination table paginationType 1.0.3 If you need specific paginatation functions, externalize the Javascript into a file and use the extraFile attribute
Filtering column filterable 1.0.0 See filterable, filterType and filterCssClass attributes
Internationalisation table labels 1.0.0 See an example here

DataTables Extras

Name Tag Attribute Version
DataTables Taglib
AutoFill pending... pending... pending...
ColReorder pending... pending... pending...
ColVis pending... pending... pending...
FixedColumns pending... pending... pending...
FixedHeader pending... pending... pending...
Editor pending... pending... pending...
KeyTable pending... pending... pending...
Scroller pending... pending... pending...
TableTools pending... pending... pending...